British Beef Week: why it matters

British beef is renowned around the world for its quality and sustainability. As it’s British Beef Week, we want to shine a light on this and tell you why British beef matters.


British beef carries less food miles than imported goods. The lower your food miles, the less carbon has been emitted in transport to get your food from farm to fork.

Supporting your local Farmer is a clear way to keep your food miles as low as they can be. The beef from Somer Valley Butchers, for example, is from our very own Somer Valley Herd at Knoll Farm or from other local farms. You can see the cattle grazing our fields for yourself if you visit the shop! 

Sustainability isn’t just about the environment, either. The economy is one of the pillars of sustainability that will benefit from you purchasing your beef locally. Shopping local ensures Farmers and producers can continue to provide high quality meat to your community, whilst creating a stronger local economy.


Knowing the provenance of meat is also an essential aspect of British Beef Week. Provenance refers to the history of the meat, including where and how it was raised, what it was fed, and how it was processed. By understanding the provenance of meat, you can make more informed decisions about the food you eat, ensuring your meat is of high quality, safe to eat, and sustainably sourced.

At Somer Valley Butchers, we can answer your questions about your meat - something that would be hard to do if you buy imported meat, or even British meat from the supermarket. 

Regarding the processing of our meat, our Butchers take a whole-carcass approach. We use the whole animal rather than just the popular cuts of meat that supermarkets demand in high volumes, so every part of the animal is used. This helps us reduce waste and offer a fair price to customers and our Farming partners.

Animal welfare

British cows like our Somer Valley Herd benefit from some of the highest standards of animal welfare on the planet.

At Somer Valley Farms, it’s important to us that all our animals are treated with respect and live happy, healthy lives. That’s why:

  • They are fed a natural, grain free diet

  • Unless for a medical reason, we don’t give them antibiotics

  • In case mineral levels drop in the grass, our cattle are given mineral supplements

  • They’re overwintered in our new, state-of-the-art barns

  • Regular health inspections are given

We’ve already mentioned how shopping local means you can ask important questions about your meat - including its welfare.


The happier the cow, the tastier the meat. If you eat British beef and know that it had a good life at a local farm, you can be sure that the meat will contain more delicate flavours. Moreover, with most British beef being grass-fed, the meat contains more vitamins and healthy fats compared to imported meat. 

How can you celebrate British Beef Week?

Whether you fancy a steak or a roasting joint, treat yourself this British Beef Week to delicious, local beef from your local Butcher.

We’ll be open:

Wednesday - Friday: 8:30 - 17:00

Saturday: 9:00-16:00

Make sure to follow us on Facebook too for our latest offers.


Native cattle at Knoll Farm


National Butchers Week: why you should support your local Butchers